Friday, November 16, 2012

A President's Job

I agree with Braden that President Obama reacted appropriately to the tragedy of Hurricane Sandy.  Braden says it was impressive that Obama suspended campaigning right at the peak, risking losing some votes in what was supposed to be a very tight race,  you have to remember that it is his job.  While organizations like FEMA are already set up and ready to go at a moment's notice and help would arrive even if the President didn't visit the devastated areas, I believe it is very important for the President to show the people affected as well as the rest of the country that he is aware of the situation and will make sure that the help they need is available.
     In this case, the President called Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey.  As Braden says, Chris Christie is a Republican who spent some time campaigning with Mitt Romney.  He has also been a frequent critic of President Obama.  This time, however, he was very impressed with President Obama's response to the problems of New Jersey and he publicly said so.  Many Republicans have criticized Mr. Christie for that, calling him a traitor to the party.  I think it's ridiculous for Republicans to react that way and I think it shows the absurdity of where our politics are at the moment.  If the political parties continue to over react and make everything a political problem, this country will not be able to accomplish even the most basic tasks for the good of all the people.

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